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Paris hilton Scuba Diving

Posted by Scuba Herald on Mar 17th, 2009 and filed under Scuba Industry. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

Paris hilton Scuba Diving

Finally this moment has arrived. The moment where Scuba Diving is completed. where we can all say: We did it. Yes guys, this is it… Paris hilton scuba diving….  is this as good as it gets? well may be it is… may be this is the final objective of any dive center, to have the Paris Dive in a wet suit, saying : PADI RULES… because Put another dollar in ? Isn’t that the slogan of the PARIS family?

Decked out in unflattering tight rubber outfits and goggles, the new couple were inseparable as they took a scuba diving lesson together during their romantic

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