Underwater ironing. Crazy Scuba Aussie divers?

Posted on February 21, 2008 by Scuba Herald

Australia - The usually mundane task of ironing is about to get a rev-up when an anticipated 200-odd divers converge on St Leonards next month in a world-record attempt in the extreme sport of underwater ironing. Organisers have urged all Victorians to don their national colours and show Australia’s dominance in the world of extreme sports and show their American and New Zealand counterparts how to best iron out those creases while having fun.

In November 2004 Geelong took the world title when 43 divers launched off St Leonards Pier with an iron and crumpled shirt in hand.

The city’s divers repeated that the following year, when 70 underwater fans competed in the aquatic ironing event.

They still hold that record, much to the disdain of arch rivals New Zealand, according to previous event organiser Ray Hill, of Bay City Scuba.

The world record attempt will be at St Leonards Pier on March 30.

For information contact cdazzopardi@optusnet.com.au.

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