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Underwater Scuba diving Politics?

Posted by Scuba Herald on Oct 5th, 2009 and filed under Scuba Education. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

How can we ask politicians to protect the marine life in our countries, if many of them are fat bureaucrats that have never seen a fish apart from Finding Nemo. That’s why I thought this idea is pretty cool and a clear sign that to protect life, you need to understand it first. Ministers in the Maldives have taken diving lessons ahead of an underwater cabinet meeting that will highlight the threat global warming and rising sea levels pose to the low-lying atoll nation.

President Mohamed Nasheed will chair the meeting on October 17 ahead of the world climate change summit in Copenhagen in December, a spokesman told AFP from the islands’ capital, Male.

He said the 14-member cabinet were taught scuba-diving basics over the weekend. Nasheed was not present as he is already a certified diver.

“The cabinet will don wet suits and scuba equipment and dive to a depth of six metres (20 feet), where a special meeting of the cabinet will be convened,” the spokesman, who declined to be named, said.

“They will then ratify a pledge calling on other nations to slash greenhouse gas emissions ahead of the Copenhagen meeting.”

Cabinet members will communicate using whiteboards and hand signals. Let’s hope once they get hooked they will work towards protecting Maldives precious resources.


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1 Response for “Underwater Scuba diving Politics?”

  1. Jay says:

    So true when are politicians going to wake up? I like to think it’ll happen soon. Producers and consumers have already started to get the picture. Here’s a private island community development that made a 1/3 of their island a preserve.

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